To gather research for your short story project.
Go through your story and pinpoint a range of locations and settings and list all of the characters.
Make a series of boards on pinterest. These could be 'settings', 'characters', 'illustration inspiration' etc.
Make a series of boards on pinterest. These could be 'settings', 'characters', 'illustration inspiration' etc.
Fill them with 30+ pins to begin with. When it comes to characters, look for other illustrators / artists who have attempted a similar protagonists. This could be on TV or film or books or posters.
Continue to update them throughout the project.
Continue to update them throughout the project.
Please note that Pinterest is by no means the only research you will be doing. But it's a good start. There is a wealth of books in my office and a library full of book sin Shrewsbury.
Screen shot when you get a substantial amount. 30+
Time needed
2hrs +
Asap :)
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