27 Jan 2016

Scamping other designs

To further understand the part white space plays in a graphic artefact.
To become aware of how designers balance elements on a page.

Gather a range of book covers. This can be via Pinterest or your own examples.
Draw them in your sketchbook.
Look at your example and loosely sketch the page. Pay close attention to the light and dark tones—allow your brain to 'threshold' the greys into either light or dark tones. See the example above.
The images in the presentation are of a variety of artefacts - not merely book covers, but you get the gist.
Complete 24+

Photograph and post to blog

Time needed
2 hours


Monday 1st of Feb

25 Jan 2016

Annotating you work

When you write, either about or for your work, make sure that you are not just describing a process. Description may be part of your annotation but it will always be part of explaining to make a point.

You could:

  • use written notes, in conjunction with drawing, as a means of recording observations and demonstrating that you can respond to an experience as part of your investigations 
  • ‘demonstrate critical and contextual understanding’ though a case study of a particular designer, artefact or movement 
  • evidence ‘relationships between practical working methods and outcomes, as well as demonstrating ongoing critical review’ . This can be done by explaining where things have gone well or not so well. What are the reasons for this and what you can do to improve 
  • explain the meaning to your design choices and to evaluate you working processes 

19 Jan 2016

Reading task - Ch 7

To give you an overview of the history of Graphic Design in order to inform your written analysis work

Read the chapters 7 of Richard Hollis' - The History Of Graphic Design.
N.B. Don't be put off, use a dictionary and the web for help. You are entering the world of grown-up reading with big words and concepts — if you don't work at it, you won't get it. 
Take notes in your notebook.
Write down 6 questions about the text.
Answer 3 yourself and bring 3 in for me or the group to answer.

Photograph notes and post to blog.

Checklist for assessment
Detailed notes

Start of lesson, Wednesday 27th of Jan.

18 Jan 2016

Acrylic Character Study

To practice another process
To understand the differences of using a monochromatic and/or limited palette.
To potentially complete an idea for the cover or page illustrations.

Task 1
Take a character — or more than one — and research a similar looking model / portrait from the web. 
Print off a black and white version, A5 sized examples are fine.

Work on A3 cartridge paper
Your palette should consist of white and black. Use the sandwich boxes.

Using the 'general to specific' painting method, paint your portrait. 
Please don't attempt to get the detail from the start, don't draw it. 
Successful outcomes — for this method — rely upon layers of paint. These will come from you attempting and then restating.

Task 2
As above, but this time, using colour.
Your palette should consist of one red, blue and yellow with white. 


You will be graded on

Time needed



3 Jan 2016

Type task for mock (and Xmas Hols.)

To introduce the concept of designing typography for a specific artefact.
To create a design that could be used on for your book illustration.
Prepare for the AS mock exam.

Read through the presentation on Sneaky Racoon above. Look at the various design steps involved and consider the rationale behind the work.
Design your own type that links with your story.
You will be asked to present a rationale of your own, so thee 'thought' that goes into your decision is important. 'It just looks nice' is no longer good enough.
Scroll down this article HERE to the 'Were you also involved in the typographic elements?' part. Reead it to find out another point of view.

Moodboard, scamps, WIP, final 'type for cover' design, rationale.
Extra marks - full character set
Mega extra marks - Draft of a cover with your type design included. You might wish to attempt a cover or poster for the book using type only.

You will be graded on
Rationale (relate to final design)
Research (moodboard)
Drafting (notebook scamping)
Sketchbook development (colour or texture trials, or placed on exmples)
Final design(s)

Time needed
10 hrs (5 hrs exam)

Wed 6th Jan.