To create a set of illustrations that utilise the design process for making screen prints.
To allow for chance to make an appearance in your work.
To work on multiple images in one go with the goal of increasing your success rate.
To introduce you to the idea of 'aspect to aspect' composition.
1. Choose a location from your short story.
2. Gather 10 images from this location, different angles and distances; close ups, aerial, long shots etc. Take your own, or use the web. Put them into an A3 page using Photoshop - see my example below
3. Divide your A3 page up into 9 portrait or 8 landscape panels
4. Using the lightbox, A3 layout paper and black Indian ink, felt tips, crayon, collage etc, ink/draw your panels. This is the bit where you need to concentrate as this is important. You are going to be inking this set of images 3 times. Each of these 'ink passes' needs to be approached in a different way. N.B. Those students that are confident with drawing, do some that are not on the lightbox—'eyeball' them.
Where it's darkest, ensure that this part is inked on all 3 sheets. Lightest parts only get one inking or 'pass'. Geddit?
Photograph each of the 3 'inked' sheets, your A3 reference sheet, screenshot your w.i.p. (use close ups).
Post a Jpeg of your favourite outcomes.
Checklist for assessment
Lots of interesting textures used.
Consideration given to tones. Dark tone = 3 passes, Light tone = 1 pass
Exploration of colour.
Good drawing
Example below.