In order for you to fully grasp the potential of InDesign and the complexity / simplicity of page layout, you are to complete a very straight-forward task.
Using InDesign, copy a magazine cover and double page spread as closely as you possibly can.
That means taking a photo that emulates the one on the original cover - to do this successfully you must consider the following: choice of models, clothes, make up, lighting, pose and location (as relevant).
Then you'll have to hunt for typefaces that are as close to the originals. Use FontDoc and Dafont.
If the cover includes handmade graphics then you'll have to draw them, scan them and use your recent Photoshop skills to get them into place.
Annotated screenshots of progress
Final design.
Checklist for assessment
Within this task I would like you to evidence basic InDesign tasks, taking clear photography and attempting image editing in Photoshop.
Either grab a camera and take your cover image now!!
or get stuck into the choice and layout and text straight away....
If you have a situation where the cover model is obscuring the masthead, then this tutorial will help you out.
Then get this InDesign Magazine Cover Tutorial paused and ready before you start.