Great tablet. £49.98 Link HERE
17 Dec 2015
Inky set-up.
This is a top-notch set-up for those interested in getting some good tools. I have condensed years and years of geeky drawing equipment research into this small kit. Don't waste your money on terrible equipment that will hinder your progress. Invest in these, look after them, they will improve with age and last you for years.
13 Dec 2015
Inky overlay process - Aspect To Aspect
To create a set of illustrations that utilise the design process for making screen prints.
To allow for chance to make an appearance in your work.
To work on multiple images in one go with the goal of increasing your success rate.
To introduce you to the idea of 'aspect to aspect' composition.
1. Choose a location from your short story.
2. Gather 10 images from this location, different angles and distances; close ups, aerial, long shots etc. Take your own, or use the web. Put them into an A3 page using Photoshop - see my example below
3. Divide your A3 page up into 9 portrait or 8 landscape panels
2. Gather 10 images from this location, different angles and distances; close ups, aerial, long shots etc. Take your own, or use the web. Put them into an A3 page using Photoshop - see my example below
4. Using the lightbox, A3 layout paper and black Indian ink, felt tips, crayon, collage etc, ink/draw your panels. This is the bit where you need to concentrate as this is important. You are going to be inking this set of images 3 times. Each of these 'ink passes' needs to be approached in a different way. N.B. Those students that are confident with drawing, do some that are not on the lightbox—'eyeball' them.
Where it's darkest, ensure that this part is inked on all 3 sheets. Lightest parts only get one inking or 'pass'. Geddit?
Photograph each of the 3 'inked' sheets, your A3 reference sheet, screenshot your w.i.p. (use close ups).
Post a Jpeg of your favourite outcomes.
Post a Jpeg of your favourite outcomes.
Checklist for assessment
Lots of interesting textures used.
Consideration given to tones. Dark tone = 3 passes, Light tone = 1 pass
Consideration given to tones. Dark tone = 3 passes, Light tone = 1 pass
Exploration of colour.
Good drawing
Good drawing
TBC...Example below.
11 Dec 2015
Research for your story.
To gather research for your short story project.
Go through your story and pinpoint a range of locations and settings and list all of the characters.
Make a series of boards on pinterest. These could be 'settings', 'characters', 'illustration inspiration' etc.
Make a series of boards on pinterest. These could be 'settings', 'characters', 'illustration inspiration' etc.
Fill them with 30+ pins to begin with. When it comes to characters, look for other illustrators / artists who have attempted a similar protagonists. This could be on TV or film or books or posters.
Continue to update them throughout the project.
Continue to update them throughout the project.
Please note that Pinterest is by no means the only research you will be doing. But it's a good start. There is a wealth of books in my office and a library full of book sin Shrewsbury.
Screen shot when you get a substantial amount. 30+
Time needed
2hrs +
Asap :)
8 Dec 2015
Component 1 - Finding Short Stories
Read the plot outlines HERE
To find a story that can be used for the whole of Component one. Component one is worth 100% of your AS grade. It is 15 weeks of study and is completed at the end of April.
Use one of the short stories that I have researched for you or find one that you have read yourself.
Use one of the short stories that I have researched for you or find one that you have read yourself.
Edit the story so that it is double spaced, 12pt and print it off.
Read the story
Read the story again and annotate. You should be looking for interesting scenes that will make good images.
Read the story
Read the story again and annotate. You should be looking for interesting scenes that will make good images.
Post photographs of your printed story with annotations
Monday 14th of December. Start of Lesson.
The artist featured above is Andres D'Aquino. Her site is HERE
30 Nov 2015
Assessment Deadline 7 Dec
Deadline: 3.20 Mon 7 Dec
Take a look again at The Perfect Blog to check that you are presenting your work the best you can.
Please ensure that the following work is posted to your course blog:
- Work-in-progress shots of final cover. More than 1/2 completed.
- Photoshoot contact sheet / illustration
- Notes from reading homeworks Ch 6
- Drafting for your magazine
- Magazine Cover Copy
- Magazine - Scamps of existing covers
- Magazine - Photograph / Illustration (contact sheet / skbk pages)
- Magazine - Cover lines
- Magazine - Name brainstorm
- Magazine - Research
- Notes from reading homeworks Ch 4, 5
- Notes from reading homeworks Ch 2,3
- Corita Kent book - Final design (Photographs)
- Corita Kent book - Work in progress (full screen shots of Photoshop)
- Corita Kent book - Drafting (photos of poem and sketchbook pages)
- Corita Kent book - Research (screenshot of Pinboard)
- Render blenders
- Notes from reading homeworks: intro, Ch 1
- Limited palette drawing
- Badges - Final design (Photographs)
- Badges - Work in Progress (screenshots)
- Badges - Drafting (photos of sketchbook)
- Badges - Research (screenshot of Pinboard)
29 Nov 2015
Drafting & Photoshoot
To prepare resources for your magazine cover
To further the design process towards your magazine cover
1. Draft 4 examples of your magazine.
See my examples above but do at least four—two per sketchbook page
To get ideas for my drafting I have typed 'musician' into Pinterest and used the results as a springboard. Do the same. These should be 'tighter' than the copied scamps.
2. Complete a photoshoot of images for the cover or equivalent illustration artwork
Post a contact sheet of images to your blog with relevant annotations
Post photographs of your sketchbook drafting
Checklist for assessment
Inventive drafting, lots of relevant and well lit images
Time needed?
3 hrs
Start of lesson, Thurs 3rd of Dec 2015.
Post a contact sheet of images to your blog with relevant annotations
Post photographs of your sketchbook drafting
Checklist for assessment
Inventive drafting, lots of relevant and well lit images
Time needed?
3 hrs
Start of lesson, Thurs 3rd of Dec 2015.
Sir, can you suggest some basic resources for taking photos of my subject in natural light?
Below is a link to a blog post that deals with this very issue!
18 Nov 2015
Reading task - Ch 6
To give you an overview of the history of Graphic Design in order to inform your written analysis work
Read the chapters 6 of Richard Hollis' - The History Of Graphic Design.
N.B. Don't be put off, use a dictionary and the web for help. You are entering the world of grown-up reading with big words and concepts — if you don't work at it, you won't get it.
Take notes in your notebook.
Write down 6 questions about the text.
Answer 3 your self and bring 3 in for me or the group to answer.
Photograph notes and post to blog.
Checklist for assessment
Detailed notes
Start of lesson, Monday 23rd of Nov
17 Nov 2015
15 Nov 2015
14 Nov 2015
10 Nov 2015
9 Nov 2015
Reading task 3
To give you an overview of the history of Graphic Design in order to inform your written analysis work
Read the chapters 4 and 5 of Richard Hollis' - The History Of Graphic Design.
N.B. Don't be put off, use a dictionary and the web for help. You are entering the world of grown-up reading with big words and concepts — if you don't work at it, you won't get it.
Take notes in your notebook.
Write down 6 questions about the text.
Answer 3 your self and bring 3 in for me or the group to answer.
Photograph notes and post to blog.
Checklist for assessment
Detailed notes
Start of lesson, Monday 16th of Nov
Scamp copies
To further understand the part white space plays in a graphic artefact.
To become aware of how designers balance elements on a page.
Gather a range of front pages from different types of magazines. This can be via Pinterest or your own examples.
Gather a range of front pages from different types of magazines. This can be via Pinterest or your own examples.
In your sketchbook, draw a front pages.
Look at your example and loosely sketch the page. Pay close attention to the light and dark tones—allow your brain to 'threshold' the greys in to either light or dark tones. See my measly example above.
See my example above.
Checklist for assessment
24 covers.
Time needed
Two hours.
Thursday the 12th of of November.
See my example above.
Checklist for assessment
24 covers.
Time needed
Two hours.
Thursday the 12th of of November.
6 Nov 2015
Create an Magazine cover with InDesign
In order for you to fully grasp the potential of InDesign and the complexity / simplicity of page layout, you are to complete a very straight-forward task.
Using InDesign, copy a magazine cover and double page spread as closely as you possibly can.
That means taking a photo that emulates the one on the original cover - to do this successfully you must consider the following: choice of models, clothes, make up, lighting, pose and location (as relevant).
Then you'll have to hunt for typefaces that are as close to the originals. Use FontDoc and Dafont.
If the cover includes handmade graphics then you'll have to draw them, scan them and use your recent Photoshop skills to get them into place.
Annotated screenshots of progress
Final design.
Checklist for assessment
Within this task I would like you to evidence basic InDesign tasks, taking clear photography and attempting image editing in Photoshop.
Either grab a camera and take your cover image now!!
or get stuck into the choice and layout and text straight away....
If you have a situation where the cover model is obscuring the masthead, then this tutorial will help you out.
Then get this InDesign Magazine Cover Tutorial paused and ready before you start.
5 Nov 2015
Assessment Deadline
Deadline: 3.20 Thurs 12 Nov
Take a look again at The Perfect Blog to check that you are presenting your work the best you can.
Please ensure that the following work is posted to your course blog:
- Magazine - Scamps of existing covers
- Magazine - Photograph / Illustration (contact sheet / skbk pages)
- Magazine - Cover lines
- Magazine - Name brainstorm
- Magazine - Research
- Corita Kent book - Final design (Photographs)
- Corita Kent book - Work in progress (full screen shots of Photoshop)
- Corita Kent book - Drafting (photos of poem and sketchbook pages)
- Corita Kent book - Research (screenshot of Pinboard)
- Render blenders
- Notes from reading homeworks x 2
- Limited palette drawing
- Badges - Final design (Photographs)
- Badges - Work in Progress (screenshots)
- Badges - Drafting (photos of sketchbook)
- Badges - Research (screenshot of Pinboard)
2 Nov 2015
Writing Cover Lines (and Expanders)
To be organised so that design can happen without unnecessary interruption.
To be organised so that design can happen without unnecessary interruption.
Write the cover lines (and associated expanders) for your chosen magazine.
You decide. Just be clear.
Checklist for assessment
Inventive cover lines.
Thursday the 5th of December
Brainstorming list - ideas for a magazine name.
Pic 1
Pic 2
To begin forming ideas for your magazine.
In your sketchbook, create a page of lists that evidence how you have arrived at the name of your magazine.
Start by using list titles like: Terms Types Tools Classics Adjective Existing (see Pic 1)
Start by using list titles like: Terms Types Tools Classics Adjective Existing (see Pic 1)
Fill these lists by either using your knowledge of the subject or utilising the web to look on glossaries and terminology lists.
Then put the collected words into a thesaurus and see what you get.
Then put the collected words into a thesaurus and see what you get.
Next, attempt to put these words together in different ways, maybe spell them differently. Fill a page.
This is the creative bit, don't feel restricted—the good ideas come when you let go a bit. (see Pic 2)
Photograph and post to your blog.
Photograph and post to your blog.
Checklist for assessment
Plenty of relevant and irrelevant, creative ideas / clear photo / at least 2 full pages—lay it out the same as I have, but include more / clear written work.
Start of Friday's lesson.
Magazine Research
To source and collect similar artefacts that will act as models and stimulus for your design.
Using the web (Pinterest, google search etc), reference books and actual printed examples, collect together examples of covers and double page spreads (DPSs) that interest you in terms of design.
Tip: go into a town library and photograph the cover and DPSs. Failing that, try WHSmiths in Shrewsbury.
You have to get all of this stuff on your blog somehow. Try these methods:
Screenshot all of the Pinterest boards that you have collected.
Place all of your research photos into a Google Presentation (online powerpoint) and embed on your blog.
Make a physical scrapbook—photograph the separate pages.
Embed youtube / Vimeo videos on the subject of magazine design.
Checklist for assessment
Screenshots of pinboard (100+ pins)
Evidence of physical examples that have been photographed
Basically the post needs to reflect that you have spent a lot of time and effort looking by yourself.
Monday the 9th of November
You have to get all of this stuff on your blog somehow. Try these methods:
Screenshot all of the Pinterest boards that you have collected.
Place all of your research photos into a Google Presentation (online powerpoint) and embed on your blog.
Make a physical scrapbook—photograph the separate pages.
Embed youtube / Vimeo videos on the subject of magazine design.
Checklist for assessment
Screenshots of pinboard (100+ pins)
Evidence of physical examples that have been photographed
Basically the post needs to reflect that you have spent a lot of time and effort looking by yourself.
Monday the 9th of November
19 Oct 2015
15 Oct 2015
Reading task 2
To give you an overview of the history of Graphic Design in order to inform your written analysis work
Read the chapters 2 and 3 of Richard Hollis' - The History Of Graphic Design.
N.B. Don't be put off, use a dictionary and the web for help. You are entering the world of grown-up reading with big words and concepts — if you don't work at it, you won't get it.
Take notes in your notebook.
Write down 6 questions about the text.
Answer 3 your self and bring 3 in for me or the group to answer.
Photograph notes and post to blog.
Checklist for assessment
Detailed notes
Start of lesson, Thursday 22nd of Oct
12 Oct 2015
8 Oct 2015
7 Oct 2015
The perfect blog... just add work.
Interim test posts.
Deadline Wed 14th Oct @ 1520hrs
- Render Blender drawings - present how you wish
- Notes from reading homework (photo of notebook)
- Cut out poem (photo or scan)
- Limited palette homework
- Final photos of badges (photos, close ups)
- Work in progress (full screenshots of Photoshop)
- Drafting for badges (photos of sketch/note book)
- Research for badges (shots of pinterest)
6 Oct 2015
Reading task 1
To give you an overview of the history of Graphic Design in order to inform your written analysis work
Read the introduction and chapter one of Richard Hollis' - The History Of Graphic Design.
N.B. Don't be put off, use a dictionary and the web for help. You are entering the world of grown-up reading with big words and concepts — if you don't work at it, you won't get it.
Take notes in your notebook.
Write down 6 questions about the text.
Answer 3 your self and bring 3 in for me or the group to answer.
Photograph notes and post to blog.
Checklist for assessment
Detailed notes
Start of lesson, Thursday 15th of Oct
2 Oct 2015
1 Oct 2015
Posts for Badges.
Posts for Badges.
Final piece
Work in progress screenshots
Research screenshots
Final piece
Work in progress screenshots
Research screenshots
30 Sept 2015
Corita Kent Cut 'n' Paste Poetry
Look at and emulate the work of Sister Corita Kent.
To utilise differing methods of generating content and design.
The Surrealists used numerous techniques and games to provide inspiration. Many of these are said to free imagination by producing a creative process free of conscious control. The importance of the unconscious as a source of inspiration is central to the nature of surrealism.
You are going to allow this uncertainty to influence and inspire your work... both visually and written. Read through the instructions in the presentation above.
Template HERE
Images of sketchbook pages, screenshots of work-in-progress, photographs of final book.
Checklist for assessment
Does it look like a creative nun made it? Does your poem make people weep, sigh or smile? Both should be yes.
tbc25 Sept 2015
Limited Colour Scheme Task
To increase your understanding of colour schemes.
To allow you to apply suitable colour schemes within your own work.
To increase your understanding of colour schemes.
To allow you to apply suitable colour schemes within your own work.
In your sketchbook or notebook, draw an illustration of your current favourite musician/pop star. Use a limited palette or 2 colours max.
In your sketchbook.
Checklist for assessment
Interesting illustration style.
Use of limited colour scheme.
Use of limited colour scheme.
Time needed
2 hrs
Start of lesson, Tuesday the 6th of October.
Start of lesson, Tuesday the 6th of October.
23 Sept 2015
Basic Colouring in Photoshop
To improve your Photoshop skills.
To further your badge designs.
To improve your Photoshop skills.
To further your badge designs.
Watch the tutorial above to revise the process.
Colour your badges, backboard and top thingy. Consider the limited colour scheme.
Colour your badges, backboard and top thingy. Consider the limited colour scheme.
Screenshot (x 2) your Photoshop work
Checklist for assessment
Coloured badge designs.
Time needed
2 hrs
21 Sept 2015
Render Blender
To build up you creative drawing skills and improve your cultural links.
If you want a copy or the Render Blender, it's HERE
If you want a copy or the Render Blender, it's HERE
Each week you will be given a new random 'Render Blender' selection. All you have to do is create a cartoon / drawing / illustration.
Draw it in your notebook or sketchbook
Time needed
30-60 mins
Always P4 Monday.18 Sept 2015
2 Graphic Design Books
To study the Graphics Communication course, it is advisable that you purchase the 2 books pictured above. They will be used to inform your practice and research, allowing you to understand the historical context of Graphic Communication and broaden your knowledge of practitioners. Many of the extended tasks that are set for both AS and A Level with require the information included in the books, and with further emphasis being placed upon written communication and subject knowledge, it would greatly aid your studies and chance of success. Not to mention that they are interesting reads!
Amazon is selling them for £9.95, but I would recommend taking advantage of the 'used' section as they can be as cheap as £1.00 plus postage. Links to Amazon below.
Amazon is selling them for £9.95, but I would recommend taking advantage of the 'used' section as they can be as cheap as £1.00 plus postage. Links to Amazon below.
14 Sept 2015
Inking, scanning and Photoshop editing.
To learn how to ink and scan your designs.
To utilise Photoshop to edit and layout on a template.
Firstly, size doesn't matter.
Now that you are going to be using Photoshop all the time, you can put away the thought that you must work at the 'end result' size.
Now that you are going to be using Photoshop all the time, you can put away the thought that you must work at the 'end result' size.
Draw your designs at a comfortable size, that may be 5mm or 50mm wide.
Use a variety of different drawing implements - fineliner, soft pencil, brush and ink, pencil crayon etc.
You may use layout paper to trace your original designs for this task if you wish. Just ask.
You may use layout paper to trace your original designs for this task if you wish. Just ask.
Scan the drawings into your Graphics folder and open in photoshop.
Lastly, adjust the Threshold accordingly, select and paste them into the 'badges template'
Download them both and save them into your Graphics folder.
Lastly, adjust the Threshold accordingly, select and paste them into the 'badges template'
Download them both and save them into your Graphics folder.
Photograph your inked drawings and post to your blog.
You will be graded on
Neatness, use of drawing implement.
Time needed
1 hr
Inky set-up.
This is a top-notch set-up for those interested in getting some good tools. I have condensed years and
years of geeky drawing equipment research into this small kit. Don't waste your money on terrible
equipment that will hinder your progress. Invest in these, look after them, they will improve with age
and last you for years.
11 Sept 2015
Badge Task - Brainstorming Drafting ideas
To build up Photoshop and drawing skills
3 Tasks
Create a pinboard and fill it with badges from around the web.
Brainstorm potential ideas using a spidergram, list or mind map.
Draft ideas for a set of badges on a theme of your choosing.
Brainstorm potential ideas using a spidergram, list or mind map.
Draft ideas for a set of badges on a theme of your choosing.
Screenshot your pinboard and post to blog.
Photograph sketchbook/notebook pages and post to blog.
Photograph sketchbook/notebook pages and post to blog.
Checklist for assessment
Pages of your book filled with exciting ideas - not too neat - just get the ideas flowing. At this point you should be throwing ideas around the page and making interesting connections. SOme of these may be used, most will be discarded. The important thing is not to be judgmental at this point in the creative process. Do not let the Critical Faculty get on the way of your genius!
Time needed
2 hrs
Download them all and save them into your network folder.
Your sketchbook pages will look something like this...
16 Jan 2015
Contact Sheet
To collect together your photoshoot and evaluate the success.
Using Finder, create a 3 x 4 contact sheet.
Export as a .pdf.
Open in Photoshop and annotate -
- Circle image that are good. This might be due to them being in focus, correct composition etc.
- Cross out images that are not to be used. Out of focus, badly cropped, wrong position etc.
- Write simple notes against the photos, 'out of focus', 'too far away' or 'too dark',
- Make your annotations obvious - write in pink?
- What were your intentions for the shoot? Why take these images?
- What are the successful elements, What worked well?
- What were the unsuccessful elements? What didn't work well?
- If you were to take these images again, what would you do to make them more suitable?
- Do you believe that you have all the shots you need for the project? If not, what others do you need to take?
Save as a jpeg and post to your blog.
Checklist for assessment
Lots of concise and insightful evaluation of your photos.
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