Now that you have researched into many areas connected with your project, you must now come up with a well constructed title, hypothesis or question to focus your writing.
Task: In your notebook, write your title and bullet point 6 varied and interesting pieces within your focus that you could begin to write about.
Examples of titles:
Learning through looking - How pictures, illustrations and colour help develop a child’s visual vocabulary
From paper to pixel and back - The changing face of illustration within children's books
Photos, ham, cardboard and stitching
How to Look At Bad Pictures - A Trawl Through The Underbelly of Independent Comic Art
Bad news in books - Exploring difficult situations in children’s books
The Nature of Imagery - How visual language within Illustration is used to bring text to life
Photos, ham, cardboard and stitching
How to Look At Bad Pictures - A Trawl Through The Underbelly of Independent Comic Art
Bad news in books - Exploring difficult situations in children’s books
The Nature of Imagery - How visual language within Illustration is used to bring text to life
The Unearthing of underground comics - Digging deep into the changing times of illustration within small press
Woof! Woof! An exploration into the typography (and habits) of Eric Gill and other notable British Typographers"
Good Vibrations! - Charting the birth, rise and influence of the Psychedelic gig poster"
Primitive parts - An exploration of the naive and untutored within Comics, Illustration and graphic design"
Deadline (together with 10 research pages) start of lesson, Friday 17th of June.
Woof! Woof! An exploration into the typography (and habits) of Eric Gill and other notable British Typographers"
Good Vibrations! - Charting the birth, rise and influence of the Psychedelic gig poster"
Primitive parts - An exploration of the naive and untutored within Comics, Illustration and graphic design"
Deadline (together with 10 research pages) start of lesson, Friday 17th of June.